Keeping the balance... with a dance move

by Andrea Mulder-Slater

This week, I stubbed my toe on a hammer that had been forgotten in the previous night’s cleanup. 

So much for childproofing.

It was early - still dark outside - but (thanks to the irresistible scent of freshly brewed coffee) I was on the hunt for a cup of caffeine. 

As I bent down to squeeze my throbbing foot, I backed firmly into the dining room table. I managed to stay upright only by employing a less-than-elegant twirl somewhat reminiscent of a move I once executed at a high school dance. 
Then, I noticed Geoff – coffee mug in hand – smiling at me from his chair in the corner. 

“Um. What are you doing?” he asked with a grin. 

“Isn’t it obvious?” I smirked, “I’m practicing my balancing skills.”

Maintaining a state of equilibrium has been a bit of a challenge these days.  

We’ve gone from building a house on our own (what, are we nuts?) to living in the unfinished house we are still building, in a matter of months. 

One week after moving in - after peeing in a bucket for a few days (yeah, I don’t recommend that) - we cheered at the first flush of our new toilet and were hopeful when our plumber told us our shower would be installed shortly – right before he went home with the parts. 

Then, another week went by.

Understand - there are many frivolous things that I secretly wish for… my pre-pregnancy hair, my pre-pregnancy energy and my pre-pregnancy shoe size to name just a few. But, after two weeks, I was willing to forget all of those desires  – and give up my toes – in exchange for the ability to bathe in something larger than a laundry tub.

The plumber did eventually come back with the parts just before we were about to begin a series of neighborhood bathroom break-ins. We now have a shower (and thanks to Geoff’s formidable abilities – two more toilets and a bathtub and hardwood floors and painted walls...) but now we are trying to keep on top of the bills, mostly by selling winning Roll up the Rim cups at a profit.


But… amid all the uncertainty (and hush-hush anxiety attacks in the bathroom), great things have been happening. Just after moving in, I was asked if I would like to blog for Todays Parent. Um… yes!!! And, in spite of developing a wicked case of writer’s block shortly after agreeing, I was able to come up with some words that I am incredibly proud of, thanks - in part - to chocolate and coffee. 

Ta da!

To read the above post (and others throughout the month of April), visit:


Jantje has been rounding up artists for a folk art show she is organizing, while she also prepares a piece for a sculpture competition (and works on taxes).  

Geoff was contacted by a Hollywood company who provides artwork to film and television sets. They want  his work. We send his paintings out next week.  

And, to top things off… my incredibly well-adjusted and ridiculously happy 3-year-old daughter,  has been playing guitar, dancing and printing the letters q, u, w, x, o, j, f, i, m and t with abandon.

Life is good and so far, I haven't fallen over (today).

No, really.