by Andrea Mulder-Slater My daughter loves ice cream. Unfortunately, ice cream does not feel the same way about her. When she was a baby, we were told (based on some recurring symptoms) my girl likely had a milk protein allergy. This is different from being lactose intolerant. Folks who have a lactose issue can still eat lactose-free milk products (including some aged hard cheese, yogurt that's been fermented for 24hrs, etc.) but those with a protein issue have an allergic reaction when they ingest milk products (lactose-free or not). This is something that she may outgrow. This is likely, considering she can now eat small amounts of cheese, yogurt and even gulps of milk, with no trouble. However, there is a threshold - and when she crosses it - whammo... hives. Back to the ice cream. Her first big taste was this summer, in the form of a scoop of vanilla on a cone. I had grown complacent and really I should have known better than to give her such a bi...